Dividing it gives a chance to multiply itself, isn't it? Split open a papaya and look at the number of potential seeds it has, plant them and you can have hundreds of papayas more. A seed gives rise to a plant which in turn gives more seeds which in turn can become more plants. Quite a beautiful phenomenon. So, if you are the one who believes dividing something may reduce it, change your opinion. There are things which multiply on dividing. Happiness is one such feeling which multiplies when divided. A moment of happiness when divided and shared with friends and family can multiply it and make you happier. Happy becomes happier, not only you but for the people around you also. So, dont be skeptical about dividing your happiness. Let it spread.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Multiplication on Division
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Leap Ahead Over Your Obstacles
We all run a race, the race of our life. We all are constantly running towards our goals, towards happiness, towards bliss. But, how many of us are successful in reaching the red ribbon? How many of us fall down exhausted? And why does this happen? What happens in this race when we face an obstacle? The word 'obstacle' brings a picture of hindrance to the mind. The very sight of it blocks the mind. It makes us feel uncomfortable and petrified. It acts as a barrier to our success. But, the fact remains that this obstacle is the sole secret for success. It is this obstacle which gives more energy to the winner. On seeing the obstacle from far itself, he gears up and gathers as much energy as possible and takes a huge leap ahead marching towards his goal. This is what you need to do if you want to stand on the #1 position. The moment you see an obstacle, double your energy and jump, overcome it and run with more enthusiasm. Remember, an obstacle is an opportunity, not an obstruction.