This 28th November saw the end of one of the most successful semesters of my engineering career - the 4.1 semester. It was indeed a very special, happy and the best one. It all began when an unbelievable confidence caught hold of me the day i got selected for a job in TATA Consultancy Services. And then there was no looking back. Getting a job in TCS wasn't that easy though. I had to work a lot especially for the vocabulary section as i was always weak in it. I cleared the written test with a little bit of hard work and an equal amount of luck! The first round of interview (Technical) was a cakewalk while the second one (management) being a bit tougher on my confidence level. The final one (HR Round) was a mix of both. I started tasting the honey of success when my name was read out from the selected candidates list (Though i was confident of this and had raised both of my hands when asked 'who feels they would be selected?') but my happiness knew no bounds when i was granted permission by my family to work in TCS for 2 years. (Well, actually my family never wanted me to do anything apart from joining the family business)
And then began a great journey. No sooner did the actual classes begin and we had our first Teamone session the immediate saturday. The session saw the re-birth of the idea to host a technical festival in our college which later blossomed to become one of the best student organized techno-managerial fests of vijayawada - i, Freak. This fest, which was a dream since my second year, finally came true this time and i had the best support i could ever get - Prinicpal, H.O.D, Vivek, Harsha and RaviTeja. i, Freak went on to become one of my biggest achievements of life and I am proud to be a part of it.
Parallelism is something not only present in Geometry but also real life. Parallel to i,Freak i had another fest (this time a literary one) - Synergy. I had attended Synergy in my 2nd year and then i dreamt that one day i should conduct one such festival in my college also. Though this dream was coming true with i,Freak , Synergy also happened to me just a few weeks after joining The Felines. I hesitated first when vivek told me about Felines because
i) I never wanted to associate with any other team except Teamone
ii) I felt very lazy to be present somewhere every wednesday.
But, thanks to vivek, The Felines just went on to become another feather on my glorious cap of engineering and so did Synergy.
During all these busy days balancing the work between Synergy (which happened to be on Sep 16) and i, Freak (which happened to be on Sep 21 & 22) , I got a few calls from other friends for SHAASTRA'07. I agreed but couldn't assure them of some good contribution from my side. As soon as i, Freak ended on Sep 22nd, hardly i could rest for some time and then joined the contraption team adroits. I wont say we performed exceptionally well in Shaastra but hey, we were not so bad. One of the judges was extremely impressed by our presentation (thanks to naz for that).
After the end of Shaastra began the project fever. Satya Kalyan wanted us to submit some research paper. Thanks to RaviTeja who did most of the work. (Frankly speaking i still dont know what my project is all about though i am the team leader) And then the ultimate battle began with JNTU semester end exams. Though i had my saviour ALL IN ONE with me but still JNTU exams aren't simple nuts to crack.
Finally, my semester ended with me going to Ahmedabad to purchase some garments for my dad's showroom. (Thank GOD that i could be of some help to my always nagging and complaining family this time).
This taste of success did change me as a person completely. What i was while 4.1 began and what I am now are two contrasting characters. Now, I am more focused, work oriented (wanting to do something) and maybe unfortunately lost time to understand others. Maybe that was the reason i had to land up in two controversies, one with Vikas while other with Chanti. Sorry guys, maybe i had become too careless at times. I would try my best to always balance my professional and personal life without making one affect the other.
But, this is not the end. I have a very very long long way to go and I am absolutely ready for it.
The next sem is going to be bigger and brighter, me now being the secretary of Felines, with one more synergy to go and with the launch of a Felines MAG soon. And calls keep coming for participating in SAARANG, KURUKSHETRA, IIM Blore, BITS Goa and many more. I am waiting excitedly for the new sem to begin.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
End of the most successful Sem
Written and Compiled By
Avinash Matta
12:23 PM
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Whoa, I think even the PRIME MINISTER Of INDIA doesn't go on vth such a schedule u've been thru ur 4.1.hehehe...Man am still wondering how u made it 2 jntu sem xams vth all these things u r involved in...But 1 thingz for sure Avii, U've been a revealation both in d cllg n Felines....Man, thnx for the wonderful work u've done n hope u'll continue it...n u CERTAINLY DESERVE to b SECRETARY for The Felines....
first of all,HATS OFF avi .one thing i wanna say,i learnt sthg frm u man.tht is ,u always say a big "YES it ll be done 2day " n man.....u do it jus like tht.every time a work is wandering some where near by, u accept it even without waititng for IT to be assigned to u. thts ur passion for work.n da work u do is always PErFECT.
n u said in here tht u r gonna work in tcs only for 2 yrs..i bet tcs is gonna miss not a gem but loads of them tht r hidden in u....hmm kuch jyada hi bhol di..ab bhas bhi kar aur jaake mag ka modificatons ke baare me dekho....hehehe
I was ther at the i,freak..
It went gr8.. i could see all your hard work ther but somehow.. i felt.. it is not up to them mark 'cos i marked it top.. n my expectations were very high..
And i wondered, if u weren't there it would have been worser.
I attended only 1 day, n felt of no use being there for the second day.
Keep Rocking..!!
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