It's a full moon night and i am walking lonely near the lake, completely unknown of my destination, wandering all over the place and enjoying the scenic beauty. Questions arise in my mind as to what i want to be and what i want to achieve. "Success" is the first obvious reply to come from the inside. Success in achieving my goal, in pursuing my dreams and following my purpose. But then, I think all these thoughts are too heavy for the bright moonlit night. Why not forget the world and just enjoy it.
I stare at the silver moon for a long time and it's crystal reflection in the lake. They don't seem to leave each other. The brighter the moon gets, the brighter is the reflection. The moment the moon hides itself behind a cloud, so does the reflection. I wished for only the moon, then why do i get this unwanted reflection?? It was then that i realized the laws of nature. The laws which bind this entire Universe, no one can escape from them, not even the law creator himself, then what am I after all?
And hence, i had no other choice but to accept the reflection. I spent some time standing near the lake under a huge tree with my eyes stuck to the bright full moon reflection on the crystal waters. There was mist all over and the surroundings were filled with silver light from the moon. Very soon i realized that the reflection was in fact more beautiful than the original celestial ball.
The moon was too high in the sky to touch but i had this reflection which i could touch, feel and play with. I left the lake to become still and the waves to settle so that i could see the reflection clearly. And there it was - the most beautiful sight i could have ever seen, the full crystal clear moon surrounded by millions of twinkling stars. Absolutely wonderful and mystical, as if I were just dreaming. Then i lifted my face to see the beautiful painting. I wished if I were the moon, soaring up in the sky in the company of millions of bright sparkling stars.
That was the night i realized the laws of nature - if you want the moon, accept it's reflection. If you want SUCCESS, accept FAILURE because failure is nothing but success' own reflection. Treat both of them as if they were same. Failure is nothing but the beginning of success. Stare at your failures and learn from them and then lift your face to see the success you achieved from your failure. If you want to have stars around you, if you want to make great friends, you need to accept enemies. Treat your friends and enemies equally. And then life becomes more beautiful than ever. So remember, Want to be successful, You need to fail then...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Want to be successful?? You need to fail then...
Written and Compiled By
Avinash Matta
11:35 AM
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What u have posted is really thought provoking.......
Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea.........
Good One dude...Post by Post, ur writing style n ur concepts are becoming damn good, dat V jus can't stop reading in the middle....n the way u interpret things is also quit interesting....I just hope dat, u'd continue blogging even after u go to TCS.....
interesting interpretation avii...too gud yaar...
A hug n a few claps 'coz i don hav words to xpress my kudos... n u know know better tht i cant write down my feelings .. ofr, i cud hav written u a testi long back
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